Hi, here I am again! I can hear you thinking, what is she doing - posting her second post today?! Well, I'm hosting another nailart contest! The theme will be...

Jep, that's right! A horror theme! I love horror movies and I think there will be some awesome mani's you all can create!
The rules of this contest:
- You can submit two entries per person. Not more than that. I want to receive one picture of your design.
- Email the picture of your design to lacquerfiles@gmail.com. Please give me your name in that email. You can also give me additional info (polishes used, inspiration, etc).
-Don't show your entry anywhere on the web: blogs, forums or other sources. These will become public when voting starts and then you can publish them on the world wide web. ;)
- Entries with pictures on nailwheels or popsticks are not counting as entries. I want to see your own nails!
- This contest is open for everyone and after I made the photo's public my followers can vote for the winner.
The contest will be closed on July 31, 11:59 pm CET. After that I'll make the entries public and one week voting time starts. That means that the winner will be announced around the date of August 9.
The prize will be, as always, a big fat secret. :)
If you have any questions you can always comment or email me.
Good luck ladies!
Whoohoo! I already thought of a design so I will be painting my nails horror style this week :D
OH yeah! Right up my alley with a chainsaw! I'm excited...off to plan the gore!
Great idea. Let's get away from the pretty-pretty!
Ik ga meedoen, maar ik hoop wel dat ik het niet vergeet, hehe:D
I love this, but I don't know if we can come up with anything to top our Halloween nails from last year! http://concreteandnailpolish.blogspot.com/2009/10/universal-classic-monsters-halloween.html
Wow, this seems like a lot of fun! I'm entering for sure. =XD
Wat leuuuuk, met zo'n thema wil ik ook wel mee doen. Jammer dat ik niet zo goed ben in nail art. Vandaag de hele keukentafel er weer onder gesmeerd met konad haha. Nou ik ga een poging doen.
I'm going to enter too!
Going to be my first nail art haha
So if it's horrible it's still something that fits the contest :D
Yay! Can't wait to see it :D
I knew it! ;)
That's what I thought!
Niet vergeten hoor! ;)
Those nails are too darn cute. I lol'd because of the werewolf toenails :)
Yay! :D
Gewoon heeeeeel veel frutselen, ik smeer ook alles onder met konad hoor.. Mijn haar, mijn armen, mijn bed.. :')
Yay! Nice, can't wait to see it :D
Wat leek misschien doe ik ook wel weer mee, kijken of ik iets leuks kan bedenken :) Eerst nog WK nagels ;)
Ik heb zelf ook een wedstrijd lopen op mijn hyves (heb geen blog) met het thema zomer.
Bedoel leuk...goh typen is moeilijk...is echt bedtijd :P
Leuk! WK nagels zijn hier al klaar haha ;) ik ga je hyves even checken en kijken of ik iets kan bedenken! :D
ooooh awesome
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