When U Say My Name is a gorgeous brown with copper shimmer. It gives the polish so much warmth! I don't wear browns a lot and most of them I really dislike but this is definitely one that is amazing and everyone should have. I ordered this because I thought it looked great with gold Konad but it's just as pretty on its own.

Seems I was right, I think it looks absolutely gorgeous with gold! I've used China Glaze 2030 and Konad Imageplate M71.
I'd also like to tell you about a more serious issue. I have been in a shit situation the past week due to a death of a really great and inspiring person and it was really unexpected. Because of that I didn't had the chance of speaking with him before he died and that is something I really regret. Unfortunately I can't change that but I can change my regret into something different. I can say to myself that he knows that I admire him and that I care about him. The thing I want to say with this is that when something bad happens you can change that by your way of thinking. Try to make the negative positive and even though that's something very hard to do, you will feel better.
From real life to virtual life it's the same. Things that happen on the internet are most of the time not that important and shouldn't be seen as really life changing but when something does affect you talk to that person. Don't treat each other like crap and let someone be. Be smart, funny and positive. Don't do things you might regret later.
Take care!