Hi guys! Since I'm not a pink fan at all I only look once or twice a month (or less!) at my pink polishes. A few days ago I took out China Glaze Preppy Pink, a really sweet pink with opalescent glitters. I remembered that Preppy Pink was on the thick side but it didn't matter because unlike most glitter polishes, this one was way more opaque.

Hey, it wasn't this thick! I own this polish less than one year and I haven't done anything crazy with it. I keep it in my Helmer and the cap is always screwed on tight. It is so thick you can use it as glue to paste tiles to the wall.
The brush is laying down on a piece of paper so yes - the polish drop doesn't even move when it is in this position. How weird is that? This really got me surprised because I've really never seen a polish that thick. Have you?

Of course I had to try it on my nail. It was almost impossible to paint my nail with it, it was hard to apply it in a normal way on my nail and the gritty finish has turned into a lovely wobbly lumpy finish. Good news is that it was even more opaque and I only needed ONE coat! :-D
But then I got a idea. Would I be able to save Preppy Pink and return it to it's normal functioning state again?

My friend for this task is polish thinner. I own two polish thinners, the P2 thinner and Seche Restore. Seche Restore contains toluene so it's not B3F (China Glaze is) and therefore I chose the P2. Do NOT use polish remover because that KILLS your polish!
Normally you use three or four drops but for Preppy Pink I've used quite a lot more - I didn't count but it was a lot. I shook the bottle and leave it to rest. The result?

1: The non-thinned Preppy Pink
2: Preppy Pink right after being thinned
3: Two days later (like Preppy Pink used to be!)
And so polish thinners saves the day once again. Preppy Pink is now, two days later still good - I hope he stays this way. And remember: don't throw away thick and/or old polishes. You can fix them and if you do not want to fix them, send them to me haha. It's such a waste throwing polish away!
Have a nice day!